Part II – Who Rules The World Including the U.S?

Part II – Who Rules The World Including the U.S?

Part 2: Prime Minister of DOM, David Williams, rejoins the program to share with us his 25 years of researching into the true history of the power structures of the world. We begin by discussing the fact that the United States did not win the revolutionary war, but ended the war with an agreement to pay back debt to the crown in exchange for sovereignty under the crown.

Setting the Record Straight…Discussing T-ROH

Setting the Record Straight…Discussing T-ROH

Sunday, June 2, 2019, a conversation between David Williams, Bryan Parker, Brian Smith, and Taz Riot was held on Talkshoe. It was geared towards being a general conversation. However, due to recent activities involving the group known as T ROH and it’s “Messiah” Keith Livingway…
